The purchase or sale of a Company, a Division, a line of Products or specific Assets is a management strategy directed to create value for the shareholders; however, the complexity of these transactions demands the advice of experts to properly determine the value and associated costs, in order to have a suitable information for the decision-making process.
Fusion: A form of integration or business concentration in which several legally independent production units , pool their assets to form a partnership.
has participated in major processes of mergers and acquisitions, valuing tangible and intangible assets, as well as the company, as a business unit, and identifying the critical success factors that affects the creation of value for the shareholders.
It is obtaining specific property by purchase, exchange, assignment or merger . It is important to determine the intrinsic value of these and of them in the market based on supply and demand.
In this area we offer the following services:
Prior to the Negotiation
- Preliminary Study.
- Determination of the Value as an Ongoing Business.
- Inventory and Appraisal of Fixed Assets.
- Structuring of the Offer:
- Range of Values for the Offer to be made.
- Payment conditions.
- Restrictions and limitations of the Offer.
- Assistance in the Negotiation.
Post – Negotiation:
- Registration of Assets.
- Breakdown of the price to capitalize the Assets individually.
- Determination of the useful lives of the Assets.
- Quantification of tax relief due to deductions for investments.
- Quantification of Values at risk and examination
of the coverage of Insurance Policies.
Liquidation of a Compan
Liquidation of a company : The dissolution of a company from a legal standpoint with economic consequences , ie , personality
legal disappears , as a result , previously the assets should be sold on the market or assigned proportionally to the partners.
Merger, Acquisition and Liquidation must be in function of the supply, which is the quantity of a good or service entering the market at a specific price in a given period. The offer and demand measures the desired quantities, such as flow and value.
Buy : Economic Ceremony of goods on payment of its value , for which the determination thereof is required.
The experience of CONECAM in merger and acquisition processes includes but is not limited to: the acquisition of Vencemos by Cemex, assistance to Toyota Motors Inc., in the evaluation of ToCars, the determination of the values of SmithKleyn in the Beecham-SmithKleyn merger.